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Re-imagining future product development with intelligent automation and digital twins

Enterprises must leverage intelligent automation and AI to fuel digital twins with modelling and data to reshape the future of the enterprise.

Most organizations have at least begun to experiment with the use of digital twins. A popular starting point is in the testing or validation phase of a design process through digital twins will eventually power all future of product development. This will re-imagine process transformation by fast-tracking design selection, development, introducing efficiencies and also generating new revenue streams.   AI and automation form the backbone of digital twins. By feeding the digital twin with data, enterprises can test the physical manifestation of the product, thus fast-tracking innovative, smart, and resilient product design. This expedites the product delivery to the supply chain and eventually the customer, thereby shrinking manufacturing cycles from months to weeks. This helps power customer-led, design enabled, and agile product development.
AI and automation form the backbone of digital twins. By feeding the digital twin with data, enterprises can test the physical manifestation of the product, thus fast-tracking innovative, smart, and resilient product design.

Future of enterprise

Automated, AI-enabled and twin-focused future of enterprise

Enterprises globally are adding digital twin to their digital strategy. Market-leading enterprises are creating resilient processes and experiences through the automation of manual processes. Technology advancement has ushered us into the era of predictive modelling by leveraging digital twins.

What makes the Digital Twins special?

Digital twin is a digital model that mimics the actual process with enough prior experience or data information.

When digital assets are stimulated, the data triggers the future predictive algorithm where the digital twin can offer agile, comprehensive, and operational understanding based on the environment. No doubt this boosts productivity encourages effective decision-making and helps to achieve strategic goals of maximizing safety, reliability, and profitability.

13% of organisations implementing Internet of Things (IoT) projects already use digital twins, while 62% are either in the process of establishing digital twin use or plan to do so. *Gartner 2021

Most organizations have at least begun to experiment with the use of digital twins. A popular starting point is in the testing or validation phase of a design process through digital twins will eventually power all future of product development. This will re-imagine process transformation by fast-tracking design selection, development, introducing efficiencies and also generating new revenue streams.

AI and automation form the backbone of digital twins. By feeding the digital twin with data, enterprises can test the physical manifestation of the product, thus fast-tracking innovative, smart, and resilient product design. This expedites the product delivery to the supply chain and eventually the customer, thereby shrinking manufacturing cycles from months to weeks. This helps power customer-led, design enabled, and agile product development.

When combined with AI, digital twins can facilitate full process automation, making the enterprise machine-stimulated and machine-led. Complete automation of processes and workflows allows continuous improvement and enhanced collaboration. Combining twins with AI is a very powerful concept that all organisations should be aiming for, to unearth new value streams and achieve the first-mover advantage through groundbreaking products.

As we enter a world of heightened virtualization, the twins plus AI combination will power the design, prototype, testing, and validation of products to fast-track innovation and experimentation.

This will drive agility in decision making, allowing a change in design or prototype to be fast-tracked through rapid evaluation and execution.

When done well, digital twins will enable companies to reimagine growth, capabilities and product development. But the true value gain and transformation will be much larger. Ultimately, through these new capabilities, the organization will break the barriers of existing in the past and sprint into a hyper-personalised, evolving enterprise of the future.

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Oil & Gas Live is a division of TGM Inc. Oil & Gas Live covers business process management, automation, asset integrity, and maintenance. 

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